Key generated successfully

Unleash Your Potentials.

Experience the most powerful and reliable Roblox executor with unmatched features and stability.

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Fast Execution
Script Hub
Comet Executor
$ comet init
Initializing Comet Executor...
$ comet load script.lua
Script loaded successfully!
$ comet execute

Why Choose Comet?

Elevate your scripting experience with Comet.

Lightning Fast

Execute scripts instantly with our optimized injector, making it possible to execute any scripts without worries.

Secure & Safe

Advanced protection against detection, our executor is highly undetectable against Roblox protection system.

Code Editor

We have an inbuilt code editor that allows you to modify any code of desired scripts with ease.

Auto Updates

Stay up to date with automatic updates, using our bootstrapper auto update is guaranteed.

Simple, Transparent Pricing.

Choose the perfect plan for your scripting needs.


$0.00 /week

Perfect for getting started

  • Basic Script Execution
  • Standard Support
  • Basic Script Hub Access
  • Auto Updates

Frequently Asked Questions.

Everything you need to know about Comet.

Comet is an advanced Roblox script execution tools that was made to fulfill players desire to execute any script without worries.

Comet's execution time is nearly instant, typically taking less than a second to execute most scripts. For larger or more complex scripts, it might take 1-2 seconds at most.

Yes, Comet is entirely free to use. You only need to generate a key from our key system to use it.

Absolutely yes, Comet is an integrated software made by trusted developers. We use harmless components for Roblox execution needs.